Saturday, July 10, 2010

Gluten free cooking and an uncooperative jumper

I have learned so much this week. Including if you try to sew a sleeve on a jumper you may just end up sewing it to the front and then getting it in the right place but inside out, third time really is the charm. Just have One cuff and the bands and it will be finished. I might add a bit onto the front though as I made it longer and now it looks a bit strange.

I have had a full on week. working away from home and having to look after myself is not my favorite way to live but alright for a change of pace. Definitely has been a good thing while on my diet. I only buy what I can eat and Greg is eating up all the food I am giving up while I am away. I still buy him things he likes and I can't eat.

I have a long term interest in Coeliac cookery as for some time we thought No2 son was coeliac but a biopsy confirmed he wasn't however too much wheat is not good for any one so I have kept up my interest. I found this link through one of the facebook groups I belong to. Elana's Pantry is a goldmine of gluten free recipes and info. Including cakes you would think have flour and sugar in each and every crumb.