Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spring Cleaning

It is Spring here in the Beautiful Adelaide Hills. Time to tidy up the studio.
I didn't have to clean the floor. It's been covered with stuff for so long that it didn't have the chance to get dirty. No 2 son has come home to live with us for a while so I had to move all, OK most, of my stuff out of his room back into the studio.
I have seen a lot of signs saying "I can't be tidy and creative". I can't. I do notice that my creativity reduces when the studio is a mess, so I like to have a tidy studio.

So here is my tidy studio, Greg helped me.

Don't ask me about the dining room though.
Greg helped by pulling out all the stuff that was on the floor and putting it on the trestle in the dining room.

I lost my enthusiasm and creativity earlier in the year, I am sure it is in here somewhere.


Sandy Pine said...

Oh Peta,
I am so proud of you. I thought I had stuff - but it is YOU who has stuff. My stuff is miniscule, no wonder you get more done than me!
Now I know why you can pick up embroidery, dolls, felting, have the stuff.
PS I know who to come to when I need more stuff :-)

Elizabeth Braun said...

Wow! What a lot of stuff!

I sympathise though, I too have lost my umph for textile work, although I still admire it and do a tiny bit here and there. I'm not so sure I don't do it mostly for blog readers though....=(