Monday, November 24, 2008


Well here it is Monday. I didn't go to work today it is a day off, my Saturday. I had good intentions of going to the gym. but I went out for lunch with my son Matt and went to Spotlight instead. Then I thought I would go to the gym this afternoon. but I sewed up Moxie with my friend Teena instead. Ah the gym I thought I'll go now after Teena went home. But Greg distracted me with talk of takeaway chicken, chips and gravy. So the gym can wait. I did sew up the pieces for Moxie. But my list has not progressed since then. I did find a patchwork vest I started years ago and along with a vest pattern I bought recently I decided to play with that instead. I also did another inch of my knitting. What possessed me to knit a jumper in 4 ply. I will show it too you when I am done. It is a knitted and crocheted mixture.

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